Jamie's Blog

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Army Of Women Call To Action

We need women in the United States who underwent surgical treatment for ANY type of breast cancer, including LCIS, DCIS, and Stage IV metastatic breast cancer, to take part in an on-line survey designed to explore the impact of breast cancer surgery on long-term health, quality of life, and satisfaction with care. A research team at Duke University will use the information collected from the survey to help guide surgical decision-making and optimize the long-term health of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Please read on to learn more about what is involved and who can participate. And please don’t forget to tell any of your female friends or family members ANYWHERE IN THE US who are breast cancer survivors about this on-line study!

What’s the study about?

The overall goal of this study is to learn about the impact of breast-conserving surgery/lumpectomy, mastectomy, and mastectomy with breast reconstruction on a woman’s quality of life, general health care experience, and satisfaction with care and outcomes.

What’s involved?

If you’re interested in this study, you will be asked 5 questions to see if you meet the criteria to sign up for the study. If you are eligible to participate, you will receive a link to the study. If you sign up for the Evaluating Patient Reported Outcomes in Breast Cancer study, you will be contacted via email by the research team with instructions on completing the on-line screening form and surveys.
You will be asked to provide basic demographic information (such as age and ethnicity) and answer questions about your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, overall health, problems or complaints related to breast cancer and its treatment, and the impact of cancer on your life. The full survey will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. You can complete the survey in more than one sitting; you can take breaks as needed.

Who is conducting the study?

Dunya Atisha, MD, and Amy Abernethy, MD, at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC


Anywhere in the United States – this is an on-line study which you will be able to complete either on a desktop, laptop, or iPad-like technology.

Who can participate?

You can sign up for the Evaluating Patient Reported Outcomes in Breast Cancer study if you meet ALL of these MAIN criteria:
• You are a woman over the age of 18
• You have had a previous diagnosis OR a current diagnosis of breast cancer of any stage. This includes those who have had a previous OR current diagnosis of LCIS, DCIS, or Stage IV metastatic breast cancer.
• You had surgery to treat your breast cancer
• You have access to the Internet and are willing to complete an on-line survey
• You live in the United States
YES, SIGN ME UPYes, Sign Me Up
RECRUIT A FRIENDRecruit a Friend

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why Do We Need Swimsuit Confidence?

This week is I HAVE SWIMSUIT CONFIDENCE WEEK during which LANDS' END is using regular women as models so regular women can see how THEIR OWN BODY SHAPES look in the suits!
TUESDAY LANDS' END featured breast cancer survivors modeling styles, with every shape and size, designed specifically for POST-MASTECTOMY figure needs.  
You know, 
  One Breast

                Uneven Breasts 
     No Breasts
               Reconstructed Breasts
Here I am in my beautiful suit: not too shabby for 65 years old and post-double mastectomy!

Thank you to LANDS' END for this creative solution, and to Genae Girard of Beyond The Boobie Trap for suggesting it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Self Portrait Blog Challenge

Post a photo or self portrait or other form of visual art of yourself that describes who you have been within the last six months.
Breast Cancer Awareness makes me sick.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mental Health Is Not An Oxymoron

Most of you know me as @ibeatcancrtwice, a loud-mouthed vocal health activist in the breast cancer world.  What you might not know is that I am also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist by trade. There is much overlap of these two worlds, particularly for people facing breast cancer.  Self-image is so closely interwoven with body image, especially in our highly sexualized society, that mental and emotional stability are often deeply shaken by a diagnosis of breast cancer. A big part of the breast cancer experience is adjusting to the "new normal," both physically and emotionally. 

Although struggles with breast cancer and mental health usually go hand in hand, the reverse is not true: most mental health issues have nothing to do with breast, or any other, cancer.

Since the mission of Stay In The Pink is to support people affected  by breast cancer, I write another blog, Psycho Babble, to focus specifically on marriage, kids, stress, fighting fair and other relationship issues.  Or I might talk about depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

Oh, did I mention sex?  That, too.